
A coaching tool in your hands
Build your skills as a manager of people. Leverage the true power of a team and build your reputation as a leader that gets things done with a team of people supporting you. 
Built in Goal Translator
Writing clear goals is one thing. Translating them into every day actions to ensure they are achieved is very different. MetaTools helps you make the connection between company goals, team goals, individual goals (projects) and links projects to specific competencies that are needed to bring about success. Practices are skills that need to be practiced to lift a specific competency needed to achieve a project. Completed projects lead to team goal achievement. It’s a bottom-up build.
Interfaces with your calendar. Set a schedule for conversations so that you and your employees know when and where you are meeting. MetaTools records the dates the meetings happen. See over time how frequently you have met and what was discussed and what has been achieved.
Chat Map
A two way communication & feedback System - Facilitates conversations that can be challenging. Make giving and receiving feedback an engaging and rewarding experience. Take the fear out of “having the talk”.
Dashboard for managers gives you a great snapshot of what is being done and what your team is working on at any moment in time. It addresses the important and not urgent aspects as well as the urgent important aspects in every position. Helps to manage goal conflicts that can often cause disputes between co-workers. Viewed across a whole business senior management can drill down into what teams are focusing on. Dashboard for employees gives an employee a clear picture of team goals, personal projects and areas of growth and their achievements.
Helps to recognize employees for a job well done and keeps all communications in the one place.
Projects & Practices
Focuses work activities to get the right people doing the right things now. The completion of projects and practices creates the perfect opportunity to acknowledge achievement and this becomes a key motivator. Enable an employee to connect with those activities that are within their control to make a positive contribution to the business.
Reality versus Perception
Helps manages the perceptions of both parties before that gap gets too great.
Short term time horizon
Focuses actions and aligns employee development with business goals and KPI’s. Successfully completing the right activity quickly and efficiently precedes success in achieving business goals.
Skill versus Satisfaction
Manage potential employee flight risks, have something concrete to share with employees that are doing a great job, manage the ever changing landscape that comes when employees get board with routines and sort out quickly if you have the right people doing the right things.
Success Maps
Maps out what needs to be done to be successful in the job and how top get there. Track achievements, conversations and agreements simply and easily. Track the actions that will lead to goal achievement and mange the process without administrative effort. 
Implement the right training
Know what training is needed to achieve business outcome so that is can align with company objectives.